Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How to be productive & creative when business pauses

You can build relationships and your skills when you're not able to meet with clients.

“May you live in interesting times.” The source of this quote is actually unknown and unimportant. Like it or not, though, we live in interesting times. They’re times of uncertainty and potential danger, but they’re also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind.

Since we might have some extra time on our hands in the coming weeks, let's use it productively and creatively. Following are the requests I have made to my producers and partners:

1. Don’t waste this opportunity to build better relationships and improve yourself as a person and a professional. Set a goal, make a plan, and keep yourself busy with positive tasks and goals. This includes exercising daily.

2. Make a list of 10 people you would like to contact and reach out to. Just ask them how they are doing and let them talk. Use this time to build your relationship with them. Once you are done, repeat with another 10 people.

3. Think of a concept or idea you would like to talk to another client or peer about and create an interesting and engaging presentation we can use. Don’t forget to engage the resources you have. They may be at another health care supplement company, an agency, a producer group, or a study group. Share your best ideas since we all know a rising tide lifts all boats. Once you finish your new presentation, repeat, and create a second one.

4. Think of five health consultants/nutritionists you want to build a relationship with, and build a plan that ends with you being their go-to referral source. In addition, use this time to call them to start to build the relationship. Start now and don’t waste this valuable time we have.

5. Learn something new and become an expert in a new concept or strategy. Ideas might be healthy diet, exercise adequately, the best time to sleep, how to control body weight, time management for daily routine, and total health concept. Once you’re done, pick a second one and learn more. You might consider learning about another type of well-being ideas, such as stress management and mental health knowledge.

6. Connect with old friends, family members, or a neighbor. Expand your circle so when you are ready to stop social distancing, you have built many more circles and developed many more opportunities.

Finally, I am here if you want to talk about an idea, concept, or case.

Take care of your family, friends, clients, and yourself.

Picture source from:

- Increase Exposure To Natural Light | Outdoor Activity
- Get Some Exercise And evaluate Your Diet | Habit
- Set Time Limits For Tasks | Management
- Take Steps To Combat Stress | Mindset
- Don't Work Yourself Into The Ground | Know Your Limit

Let's Practice a Healthy LifeStyle 
 Take Action & Just Do It

Ervin Ling
Enrich Life Consultancy
Phimilion Nutritionist & Product Specialist

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